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Tamia Valmont, chanteuse, compositrice

Tamia Valmont



Compositions by Tamia Valmont
All voices and instruments (via ProTools) performed by Tamia Valmont
Sound engineer, mixing and mastering by Valentin Chancelle

"Rebirth" recorded by Alain Cluzeau at Acousti studio

"Unlimited Colors“: Excerpts from Tamia's album “Senza tempo” 1982 integrated into this piece.

"Beyond" has been recorded by Tamia during the lockdown (sorry for the background noise)
Cover photography by Rémy Poncet
Produced by EOLICO 2022.


Warmest thanks :

Hélène Dupin, Eliane Broutin, Paule Laloum, Frédérique Martin, Delphine Siquier. My profound gratitude to Valentin Chancelle for his professionalism and patience. Romain Cruzilles and Nicolas Jonnard for their welcome at "Le Flore en l'Ile" where I have so often worked on this album.